Social Posts

40 recipes

Posts that are accessible to various social media outlets.

Útlendingastofnun, the Icelandic immigration offices sent me a sms 30 minutes before they closed that I could come pick up my residency card. Luckily I work right around the corner. I can finally travel throughout Europe and the U.S. again freely 🙌 for the next […]

The wild thing about people in the U.S. going crazy about Tesla’s connector vs CCS is that in Europe it’s all CCS. Our Model Y in Iceland has a standard CCS connector and it works fine. It’s like bikeshedding over USB-C power delivery vs using […]

Oh lord I’m not a huge fan of being away from Iceland right now. My tiny family is having a rough time and I just found a giant cockroach strutting across the floor of my hotel room in Novi Sad so now I’m sitting here […]

Serbian Graffiti

Palms are sweaty, knees weak, Microcenter ready.   (For context, there’s a computer store named Microcenter off of a road called “14 Mile Rd” in Michigan not far from where I used to live.)

I dislike Siri so much at this point with these homepod minis that I won’t even ask her easy math questions that I’m too lazy to do simply because my day is usually hard enough already and I don’t need a poorly written assistant making […]

It’s weird to see this making the rounds 5 years later because my first response was the same – “ok now do healthcare & higher education in the US”.

In more troubles with my move to Iceland: my residence and work permits are valid until 2025 but they never sent me an updated ID card after my renewal in January. This will make getting back into the country a real blast 😩

Cars and Phones

It’s odd for me to see modern companies foregoing CarPlay and Android Auto integrations, or worse, deciding to remove them entirely from future vehicles. If the goal is to sell more services or control the platform entirely, accounting should be done to realize that residual […]

When you can’t escape nice things and yet your mini-me doesn’t give a damn 😂 #Iceland