Social Posts

40 recipes

Posts that are accessible to various social media outlets.

Einn meira og búinn All done until Christmas now

“Put this whole baby down!” – my 2 or 3yr old daughter yelling during a fit when being removed from anywhere she refused to be removed from.

After listening to @atpfm, I found a super old thread relating to cars that do or don’t lock their cables while charging. I am so surprised that any cars don’t lock their charging port by default. I know it’s selectable in some and I believe […]

The phrase you’d say to someone in Icelandic which would be similar to how someone might use “bon appetit” is “verði þér að góðan” or shortened to “verði að góða”. This is funny to me because it’s basically saying “may it be good to you”. […]

The snow missed Christmas and it’s already turning to “krap” (slushy snow). It’s finally time to get the dogs some new jackets.

Gleðilegt jól frá Íslandi. Christmas here starts today so this will be interesting. Normally we only would open one or two gifts on the eve but we’re trying to reconcile both worlds in our apartment.

I’ve been sick more times in the last year than I have been in my whole life. I feel bad for my daughter who seems like she always has some form of the sniffles or something since attending leikskóli.

If you use letsencrypt, your domain registrar is, and have noticed letencrypt failing to renew subdomain certs for you – it’s not you, it’s hover.